Pinhole photography with Pinsta camera
My recent dive in to pinhole photography with my marvellous Pinsta Camera has brought me back to my original passion for making images, and the process feels absolutely magical. The brilliant thing about this particular camera, is that it works as a mini dark room, thus offering the relative immediacy of a digital camera (all be it much slower) but with the original charm of analogue. The camera itself is loaded with light sensitive paper and then exposed via the pinhole. The photograph is then developed inside the camera using chemistry via syringes. The final reveal, as you open the back to see how successful your efforts have been and how accurate your exposure time was, not to mention what was actually captured within the frame, is a moment of real excitement for me. There are ways of working out exposure times, but I've just been winging it, having a vague guess according to how sunny it is. This still life I exposed for 2 hours and I really love the drama!